The Sarah Jane adventures Season 5 Episode 1 Sky (1)

The Sarah Jane Adventures is a spin-off series of Doctor Who, produced by BBC Wales for CBBC, starring Elisabeth Sladen & created by Russell T Davies. The programme focuses on the adventures of investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith & her companions. The series debuted on BBC with a 60-minute special on 1st January 2007. A full series of0 30-minute episodes followed later in the year. A second season aired in the autumn of 2008, followed by a third in late 2009. A mini episode for charity also aired in early 2009. In January 2010 the BBC announced it was looking for a new producer for the series. Meanwhile, season went in to production in March 2010; in an unusual move, half of the fifth series was produced as part of the Series four recording block, with the second half of the series initially planned for production in early 2011.

"I saw amazing things, out there in space. But there is strangeness to be found wherever you turn. Life on Earth can be an adventure ... you need to know where to look!" The Sarah Jane Adventures features the earlier companion of the Third & Fourth incarnation of the Doctor from the original series of Doctor Who , Ms. Sarah Jane Smith! Elisabeth Sladen reprises her role one time again...

Star Elisabeth Sladen died on 19th April 2011., with six episodes of Series five done & awaiting broadcast. The BBC later said that no new episodes would be filmed. They also went on to say that the six episodes of the fifth series that had been filmed will be broadcast at a later date.

The series is set in present-day London & follows the adventures of journalist Sarah Jane Smith (following her reunion with the Tenth Doctor) & her adopted son Luke, with friends Maria Jackson, Clyde Langer, & later Rani Chandra (Maria's replacement). They are assisted by the super-computer Mr Smith as well as K9. Sarah Jane occasionally calls in favours from her elderly friends in UNIT, the Brigadier, while trying her best to keep alien life a secret from Earth.