Merlin Season 4 Episode 3 The Wicked Day

Season 4, Episode 3 Merlin's Day full length wicked online. Are you waiting this episode? Merlin fans out there, your favorite TV series is back with a new episode. Season 4, Episode 3 Merlin is published date on your TV screens on Syfy 10/15/2011. Merlin Season 4 Episode 3 is entitled "The Wicked Day." From the title alone, this release certainly sounds interesting and will be one. So keep an eye on the release date and not fall behind in Season 4, Episode 3 Merlin. Do not miss this episode of this will undoubtedly be a major event and a night of all viewers.

Full Synopsis for Merlin Season 4 Episode 3, which reads: While Camelot is the citadel of frantic preparation for the birthday party of Prince Arthur, King Odin plots to ensure this is a celebration of Camelot will never forget . Old adversary of the prince has organized a murderer lurking among the guests the assembly with the intention to strike. As a result, the kingdom is devastated and it comes down to Merlin to put things right again. How far to be ready to be restored to Camelot? It will really risk everything and reveal their secret? The city looks forward to the birthday celebrations of the Prince. Arthur's old adversary, Odin, is committed to ensuring that it will be a party that Camelot will never forget. A murderer who stalks set to strike among the guests at the party. Camelot is felt devastated as the dust begins to settle.

A vision, Merlin, an exciting fantasy series, takes viewers inside the world of Camelot, but in a 21 century. Before Merlin (Colin Morgan) and Arthur (Bradley James) were legends, were young men hungry for adventure. In search of love and its true destination, the duo than their share of mistakes along the way.

The Wicked Day. Merlin could be a young witch who comes to the kingdom of Camelot shortly after his mother takes care of him to solve, together with the medical record of the court, Gaius. He discovers that the king, Uther Pendragon, has banned magic and fantasy prison last dragon well below kingdom.

The dragon tells Merlin that plays a fundamental role: the defense of the daughter of Uther, Arthur, who give birth to a fantastic realm. When Merlin meets Arthur, he believes she is arrogant and Arthur, also views of Merlin as subordinates. Merlin will have to keep his technique of magic or the face is performed by Uther.